I have always wrestled with a desire to create. From an early age I gravitated toward music and art, and ultimately chose to pursue music business at Elmhurst University, hoping to receive a more marketable degree.
The tension of working an office 9-5 and feeling a hunger to create art led me to consider what contentment looked like as an artist. I began painting regularly for the process and pure enjoyment, while also finding fulfillment in sharing my work online and doing occasional commissions.
Today, I find immense joy in being a mother and challenging myself artistically through creating series of paintings. Over time it has become more evident to me that the world needs art. I think of it less as a luxury item, and more so a gift that offers meaning, connects people, and inspires us to enjoy the here and now.
My vision is to create timeless art that reminds people to notice and further embrace the beauty all around us, enriching our day-to-day lives in whatever time we’re gifted.
Meet Nicole